Wednesday, December 26, 2012


        I bet everyone know what Christmas is. Christmas is not just a simple holiday. It is not only about giving gifts and making wishes come true. It is not only about lighting fireworks and making noise everywhere. Christmas is not just about how abundant our Noche Buena is. It is not also about our complete attendance in the Misa de Gallo. So what does Christmas really means? What’s the essence of it?
        Christmas is celebrating the birth of our Jesus Christ. He is the Savior of humanity. He is the greatest and noblest man that has ever lived on earth. He is the best example of a great leader and a great follower. He is the Son of God. God gave us His only begotten Son to save us from evil; He did this because of His love for us. God cares and loves us so much that He gave the best for us, Jesus Christ. Christmas is about giving and sharing blessings to your family, friends and other people. It is about spreading the good and letting God come into our hearts.
        Because of love, God has done all these. Love…for me it is the essence of Christmas. Like God, we should give love to the ones who are important to us. Like Jesus and his people, we should help and sacrifice for each other. Nevertheless, let also peace and unity rule the world. Happy birthday Jesus Christ! Merry Christmas everyone! God bless us all!

Monday, December 10, 2012

Equal Rights, Equal Opportunity

                Do you know what rights mean? Do you think you have one? Did you ever encounter what opportunity is? Do you think you can grab one? Rights, I don’t just have one, I have many. Opportunity, I don’t just grab one, I take every chances I get.
        Rights are the things that are correct, rights are the good things in life. Each of us in this community has each own rights. The right to live. The right to be treated as a human. The right to everything that we deserve. Opportunity, these are the chances, circumstances which allow you to do something. People who are living their dreams and being passionate, take every chances in their lives to achieve their goals. They try being optimal to be viable in life.
        Rights? Opportunity? People today are being treated incongruously. We have this we call discrimination. Most people who are in the high society are the ones being treated like princes and princesses and most people in the low society are being treated like slaves. People aren’t given their rights, people take limited opportunities. People cannot live life to the fullest. They don’t have unity for they are divided into two groups, the upper class and lower class.

        And this should not be. God created us equally. He created us to have equal rights and equal opportunities. We should not take advantage of our positions in life; we’re still human beings, who came from one God. Let equality and unity prevail!

Adopt Climate Change

       People change. The earth changes. Everything… they all changes. We can do nothing to prevent them. We can do nothing to stop them. All we have to do is to be prepared. We have, we must, adopt to survive.
       We are all aware of the change our climate undergoes. Temperature rises quickly; we barely experience cold weather already. Glaciers and the plates are melting and more. You know why? This is because of man-kind’s deeds. We are into the modern world already, scientists and experts invent gadgets, appliances and things that make our work faster. If only we realize how fatal those things can cause our planet. Factories, sewages that spreads pollution, it maybe air, water or land. Illegal loggers that cut out trees and not replacing it. Peoples lack of discipline. Peoples innovative minds that falls out to nothing but to the improvement of everything yet still causes the destruction of mother earth.
       Let us change, it’s not yet too late. We can still work things out. If we have done something about these changes, we can also do something to change these changes, for the better. Plant trees. Throw loiters properly. Conserve. Reuse. Reduce. Recycle. Little things yet we can change the world. Adopt Climate Change! J

Friday, October 12, 2012

My Teacher, My Hero

teacher clipart          My teacher, my hero, why do I keep hearing this phrase? My teacher is a hero? Thinking my teachers wearing their super hero attires just make me wanna die on the floor from laughter. Maam wearing her one-piece along with her boots and Sir would be wearing his undie under his pants, isnt that awkward? But when I see them wearing their school uniform with their record books, theyre aura seems so powerful and everyone would make way for them.
          Every week days, we spend almost our time learning our ABCs and 1, 2, 3 As we go to the next phases, we cant deny the fact that we are encountering different and harder problems and difficulties. But with the help, guide and care of our teachers, were going to passed them all. Theyre helping us in learning in the best way they can. Theyre sharing us their knowledge for us to treasure, apply and share to other people. They wanted to bring out the best in us, confidence, intelligence, kindness and more.
          They do all this because of their love to us. So we must not waste their sacrifices and let us study well. I love my teachers, you should too. I care for my teachers, you should too. And Im very thankful to have such wonderful people, wonderful teachers, who molded me and became my second parents. I would vicariously think that as we appreciate their sharing to us, they would cry in tears blissfully and feel proud of us. Theyre simple yet remarkable. They dont have super powers but they have the minds.

Thursday, October 11, 2012


                Have you ever wondered how text or files are made in the web? How do they vary in colors and font? Why there are bigger and smaller text? Have you ever ask yourself what are the names and parts of the text you always see in the top of your server? How they work and function?
                Well, these are the thing I have learned in this grading period. I’ve learned the parts of a web browser, parts of a page address, their levels and also about search engines. I’ve encountered them before, but there are additional ideas that I’ve gained. The best part of this chapter is making our exercises about HTML. From ignorance to almost-expert, I can now make an HTML document and post it on the web.
                There are challenges I have encountered, this grading period, I’m rarely sitting at our class because of the activities and meetings I have to attend. Coping up is my problem. I’ve missed a lot in our discussions that’s why I can’t go with the flow sometimes.
                I have addressed this challenge by exerting double effort in understanding and coping in our lessons. I tried doing my best to learn and I succeeded. I can now join discussions well enough.
                Moving on, I will try harder to balance my academics and extra-curricular activities. I’ll study harder and make out the best out of my abilities.

Upholding English Proficiency for Communicative Competence

          English, literally speaking, it’s the universal language and when we say universal, we do not only mean one country but the whole world. Our countrymen are proficient speakers and great in communicative competence. We are competing not just in local events but globally. In this case, how can we maintain and improve this advocacy?
          Competition starts at school level, we learn in this stage of our lives. As a student, I know within me that I’m active and I’m participating events that molds my capabilities as an English competitor. Start uncovering your inner and hidden talents. Start it by joining seminars and activities that will help you find you. When you still have your oh-I’m-shy attitude, join a group and participate in competitions like Reader’s Theater, Jazz Chants or Speech Choir. And when you have that courage and enough self-confidence, join by yourself. Join Declamation or Oration competitions. I, myself know that I’m not the best, but I’m trying my best to be the best.
          How about you? Let’s develop and improve ourselves in English proficiency, let’s compete not jus for the award but for ourselves. Let’s join English activities and do our part to the fullest. Win or lose, it’s worth the improvement.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Scientricity: Energizing Science Clubber for Sustainable Energy

            From the very top of this world – the sun – to the very bottom of it – the earth – energy is being used. People who are observant enough to notice things and objects moving daily may ask the question “how do these work?” Simple, it’s because of energy.
            Did you know that energy has many forms? It’s not only the solar energy from the sun nor geothermal energy from the earth but there are so many more. From the time we open and blink our eyes and yawn to start our day, we’re using energy. When we take a bath or brush our teeth, we’re using hydroelectric energy. When we move up and down to our stairs, we’re using potential and kinetic energy. When we go to school riding our vehicles, we’re using energy. Everything we do, energy is connected, energy is found.
            Though, it’s not only causing positive effects to the community but negative effects also. Nowadays, people are abusing what are given to them; they’re overusing and wasting it. People must also think for the next generation and the consequences of what they’re doing. They must bear in mind that everything has limitations.
            As a concerned student, I do think that change must be done. Let us change for the better. Let us conserve energy, plant trees. Think for a bright future, lives are still coming in our way. Reuse. Reduce. Recycle. Giddy up Science Clubbers! Go for GREEN!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Modern Day Hero

                Hero? What’s a hero like? Those creatures that can fly? Those who have super powers? Those who are strong enough to carry cars and can crash buildings? Do they look like the Higgly Town Heroes? Heroes are not those fiction characters who have super powers and can fly. A hero is a person who does brave and good deeds. Today, have our modern day heroes, and my parents are my heroes.
                When I say my parents, I don’t just usually mean it’s my mom and dad but also my grandparents. My parents served as my first teacher, I learned the basic from them, like manners and kiddie songs. When my three sisters and I were still young and my mom and dad were still with us, we were drowned by the love and care they’re showering us. They’re giving us everything we need and everything we want but they see to it that there’s still a limit of what they’re giving. We always receive their full support to us. They have risen us up as God-fearing, loving, caring and polite children, who should also know how to sacrifice for other people. My mom and dad left to other places because of work and we were left with our grandparents. They did the same, they’re sacrificing a lot, until now. Still, they want the best for me, for us. They’re pushing us to the limit, for our betterment.
                They’re doing all the best they can to guide us because of their love for us. So I’m not wasting their sacrifices, I’m studying hard for someday, somehow when I’ll graduate in College, I can replace their hardships. Those were just simple gestures but they made who I am now. That’s why I love my parents, to the point that I’ll do everything, anything for them. They’re my superman and wonderwoman.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Tatag ng wikang Filipino, Lakas ng pagka-Pilipino!

                Alibata, the first alphabet of the Philippines, where in the history of the language Filipino started here. Changed and replaced by the Filipinos, it was turned to Ilokano, Waray, and Cebuano, these are now the dialects of this island. There are many dialects in this island yet they didn’t degrade the unity of the Filipinos. But these dialects became the guide to improve and come up with the national language. Tagalog was the first name of the national language. Time passed by and it became Pilipino, where in Manuel Luis Quezon, former President of the Philippines, valued and treasured it. At present, as the alphabet changes and as the universal language was learned by Filipinos, the national language became Filipino. 
                The national language is a basis for nationalism. People in the country gives value and love for their language, it also became a pride of theirs. Countrymen recline to their language causing them to understand each other. Whatever corner are you at, you can trace the stability and firmness of their language. This is because of the strength and durability they show as Filipinos. And this strength is the reason why the language is widespread and still influencing people in different places of the country. From Luzon to Mindanao, from the poorest Filipino citizen to President Aquino, you can see how proud they are and how they are mould by their national language. They show their love, from the very bottom of their hearts, in many ways. From more than 7,000 islands where billions of people are living in it, you can see their unity and one reason is because of the national language Filipino.
                That’s why Filipino’s must be proud of their land. Support, love and treasure the national language. Use it in good ways and show the world how proud you are. Ang tatag ng wikang Filipino ay lakas ng pagka-Pilipino!

Thursday, August 9, 2012

The Climb

              I’m aware that this is my last 10 months in Ilocos Sur National High School. 10 months left to enjoy the best stage in my school life, 10 months left to be with friends, friends that I treated as my family. 10 months left… but now I have crossed out 66 days in my calendar, 2 months have already passed. And one thing is for sure, these 2 months are worth remembering. As I reminisce the happenings these past 2 months, I remembered my ICT subject. Ever since, I consider ICT as one of the best subject, not just because of our air-conditioned room nor having our hands-on in our workstations. It is the fact that this subject is unique, well for us Science and Math Classes students. I have learned the history of Internet, which is cool, to think that the success of it was unexpected. I have discovered the people behind its success, how they worked inch by inch and step by step to improve the internet, no wonder it’s near to perfect today. There are tons of discoveries and learning’s I have gained specially about blogs which I can also used in my Tumblr account, not just in my Google account.
                There are problems and challenges I have faced. For example in my post about the SONA of PNoy, I have to watch news to update my blog and jot down notes for details. It’s hard for me because I’m not that interested in politics. I’m not also good in memorizing dates and I really need time to let what I’ve learned sink in to my mind. But I have passed all this with the help of Mrs. Evelyn Vera Cruz and of course my computer. [laughs] Our teacher, Mrs. Vera Cruz is patient and she really teaches us our lessons briefly yet clearly.
                Moving on, I will improve myself and accept the changes that’ll make me a better gal. I’m hoping to learn more in this subject and I expect more funny moments with Ma’am Vera Cruz and of course IV-Maxwell! :)

Wednesday, August 1, 2012


                The 3rd State of the Nation Address of President Benigno Aquino III was held at Batasan Pampanga Complex in Quezon City last July 23, 2012. Many reactions and comments were published already in his SONA. And what really stunned some Filipinos was the reaction of Senator Vicente Sotto III describing President Aquino’s 3rd SONA was the best SONA ever. He also explained that the President is not pushing for the controversial reproductive health bill. "He didn't say that the RH bill should be passed," said Sotto, who is a pro-life advocate and an RH bill critic.
                On the other hand, Zambales Rep. Ma. Milagros Magsaysay scored the rising cost of electricity in the country. She said that even though there are already lights in different settlements in the country, the electric bill is still high. It is true, we all know that poverty rules the country, considering all Filipinos, why make prices high?
He also mentioned the 85% of Filipinos are now Philhealth members and old-age and disability pensioners will receive at least P5, 000 per month, which is a great help to Filipinos in their financial needs. Environmentally speaking, President Aquino mentioned that 1.5 million hectares of trees are to be planted by 2016. Executive Order on mining was cited also. Illegal loggers were also warned: “Kayong mga isinusugal ang buhay ng kapwa Pilipino: maghanda na kayo. Tapos na ang maliligayang araw ninyo.”
In our government, he said that there are no more cash advances allowed in government agencies. Bonus of government workers this year will be based on achieved targets. During his term 3.1 million jobs were created. More than 30,000 nurses deployed to over 36,000 barangays. There is also the free education - 4.57 million students who could not go to school before due to poverty are now able to study. State universities and colleges will get a 43.61% budget increase in 2013. Backlog of over 2 million chairs is to be addressed by 2012 and backlog of over 66,000 classrooms is to be addressed by 2013.
                There are still many projects that will help many Filipinos and that will boost up our economy if these are to really happen. “Forgive and forget ang lahat ng atraso ng mga naglubog sa atin sa bulok na estado? Ang magpatawad, maaari; ang makalimot, hindi.” There are reactions in this statement of Aquino. We are aware that forgive and forget is hard but we have to move on. We’re in the present already and what matters is what we have today. We have Aquino as our President, why talk about the past administrations? They have also contributed lot of things for the country, so why judge and reminisce their mistakes only? That should not be.
                Aquino also said that: Filipinos made change possible; change comes from the citizenry. Exactly, so hand in hand we’ll walk our way to the “Tuwid na Daan” of President Aquino.

Thursday, July 5, 2012


     All of us wants to be strong and healthy, and we know that in order to be that kind, we need to eat fruits ad vegetables regularly. The theme for this year's Nutrition Month is Pagkain ng Gulay Ugaliin, Araw-Araw Itong Ihain.Vegetables... Vegetables... See how important vegetables are? I can't even imagine one single person not eating any kind of vegetable in his entire life. Vegetables are plants that grows for food. Food is one of our basic needs. Without something to eat, we'll get weak. Without food, we can't live.
     Vegetables, every now and then, are part of our lives. They can gives us tons of benefits particularly in our health. they can be healing tools or medicines to those who are sick and we can also prevent sickness when we eat them. Vegetables can also help us financially speaking, like when you sell them in the market, fresh vegetables to eat and herbal plants or medicinal plants. And of course, the most special, we eat them everyday to be strong and healthy.
     So why not eat vegetables, not just seldom but most of the time. Let's make it a habit, let's eat vegetables everyday and you'll surely feel great, no regrets, just pure health. And why don't we plant them also in our yards? We can also help make the world a better place. Let's go green! Let's eat veggies!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012


Dear Mr. President,
                Good day Sir.
                First and foremost, I would like to extend my sincerest gratitude and appreciation to you. It’s been more than 2 years since you were elected as the Philippine President, the one who will lead us to “change” as you have give emphasized in your State of the Nation Address. I know how difficult it is to e the leader of your fellow students in one class, how much more when you are leading billions of people, billions of Filipinos? Running for the position as President really needs time, effort and courage for it is not only a joke. People count o you, they expect the best from you and they depend on you as their helping hand.
                In my observations these past few years, I can say that there is an improvement in our country. Many programs and services were conducted. One is the giving of relief goods to those who were affected by storms or typhoons. This program helped some of our countrymen in adjusting their lives; some weren’t given the chance because they are far from civilization. We are hoping Sir that donations and services will reach their places for them to e elated also. Another service is the giving of scholarships to students who are sincere I their studies and really want to graduate yet they can’t afford school fee’s. This is a great help not only to students but to those parents who are working and sacrificing for their needs. I suggest Sir that there will be more scholarships given to students because I do believe that education is the best gift of parents to their children. And another program is the K2 12, wherein we can now reach the education standards of other countries. Before, I thought it wouldn’t help us rather it would only add to the problems of our economy, like addition of financial problems, school problems and more. But later on, I realized that it makes our school life shorter and we can find jobs as early as we graduate in Senior High School, thumbs up for this change.
                The increase of prices in our foods is another big problem to us Sir and I do think that you can help more Filipinos when there is a lessening of prices. Also in oil companies, we now need oil for our vehicles to go to school, to our offices and works. There is a price hike again and I am requesting again Sir for this project not to be done for the sake of our fellow countrymen.
                There are more to say but these are just my main opinion and we are expecting more egregious problems to happen. So let us stay strong. Relinquish the bad things and welcome the good ones. We’ll do this together; we’ll do this as one. Let’s have faith in God and He’ll bless our way. More power Sir.
                                                                                                             Respectfully yours,
                                                                                                          Chrisselle R. De Mesa