Thursday, October 11, 2012

Upholding English Proficiency for Communicative Competence

          English, literally speaking, it’s the universal language and when we say universal, we do not only mean one country but the whole world. Our countrymen are proficient speakers and great in communicative competence. We are competing not just in local events but globally. In this case, how can we maintain and improve this advocacy?
          Competition starts at school level, we learn in this stage of our lives. As a student, I know within me that I’m active and I’m participating events that molds my capabilities as an English competitor. Start uncovering your inner and hidden talents. Start it by joining seminars and activities that will help you find you. When you still have your oh-I’m-shy attitude, join a group and participate in competitions like Reader’s Theater, Jazz Chants or Speech Choir. And when you have that courage and enough self-confidence, join by yourself. Join Declamation or Oration competitions. I, myself know that I’m not the best, but I’m trying my best to be the best.
          How about you? Let’s develop and improve ourselves in English proficiency, let’s compete not jus for the award but for ourselves. Let’s join English activities and do our part to the fullest. Win or lose, it’s worth the improvement.

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