Friday, October 12, 2012

My Teacher, My Hero

teacher clipart          My teacher, my hero, why do I keep hearing this phrase? My teacher is a hero? Thinking my teachers wearing their super hero attires just make me wanna die on the floor from laughter. Maam wearing her one-piece along with her boots and Sir would be wearing his undie under his pants, isnt that awkward? But when I see them wearing their school uniform with their record books, theyre aura seems so powerful and everyone would make way for them.
          Every week days, we spend almost our time learning our ABCs and 1, 2, 3 As we go to the next phases, we cant deny the fact that we are encountering different and harder problems and difficulties. But with the help, guide and care of our teachers, were going to passed them all. Theyre helping us in learning in the best way they can. Theyre sharing us their knowledge for us to treasure, apply and share to other people. They wanted to bring out the best in us, confidence, intelligence, kindness and more.
          They do all this because of their love to us. So we must not waste their sacrifices and let us study well. I love my teachers, you should too. I care for my teachers, you should too. And Im very thankful to have such wonderful people, wonderful teachers, who molded me and became my second parents. I would vicariously think that as we appreciate their sharing to us, they would cry in tears blissfully and feel proud of us. Theyre simple yet remarkable. They dont have super powers but they have the minds.

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