Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Scientricity: Energizing Science Clubber for Sustainable Energy

            From the very top of this world – the sun – to the very bottom of it – the earth – energy is being used. People who are observant enough to notice things and objects moving daily may ask the question “how do these work?” Simple, it’s because of energy.
            Did you know that energy has many forms? It’s not only the solar energy from the sun nor geothermal energy from the earth but there are so many more. From the time we open and blink our eyes and yawn to start our day, we’re using energy. When we take a bath or brush our teeth, we’re using hydroelectric energy. When we move up and down to our stairs, we’re using potential and kinetic energy. When we go to school riding our vehicles, we’re using energy. Everything we do, energy is connected, energy is found.
            Though, it’s not only causing positive effects to the community but negative effects also. Nowadays, people are abusing what are given to them; they’re overusing and wasting it. People must also think for the next generation and the consequences of what they’re doing. They must bear in mind that everything has limitations.
            As a concerned student, I do think that change must be done. Let us change for the better. Let us conserve energy, plant trees. Think for a bright future, lives are still coming in our way. Reuse. Reduce. Recycle. Giddy up Science Clubbers! Go for GREEN!

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