Thursday, September 13, 2012

Modern Day Hero

                Hero? What’s a hero like? Those creatures that can fly? Those who have super powers? Those who are strong enough to carry cars and can crash buildings? Do they look like the Higgly Town Heroes? Heroes are not those fiction characters who have super powers and can fly. A hero is a person who does brave and good deeds. Today, have our modern day heroes, and my parents are my heroes.
                When I say my parents, I don’t just usually mean it’s my mom and dad but also my grandparents. My parents served as my first teacher, I learned the basic from them, like manners and kiddie songs. When my three sisters and I were still young and my mom and dad were still with us, we were drowned by the love and care they’re showering us. They’re giving us everything we need and everything we want but they see to it that there’s still a limit of what they’re giving. We always receive their full support to us. They have risen us up as God-fearing, loving, caring and polite children, who should also know how to sacrifice for other people. My mom and dad left to other places because of work and we were left with our grandparents. They did the same, they’re sacrificing a lot, until now. Still, they want the best for me, for us. They’re pushing us to the limit, for our betterment.
                They’re doing all the best they can to guide us because of their love for us. So I’m not wasting their sacrifices, I’m studying hard for someday, somehow when I’ll graduate in College, I can replace their hardships. Those were just simple gestures but they made who I am now. That’s why I love my parents, to the point that I’ll do everything, anything for them. They’re my superman and wonderwoman.

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