Wednesday, December 26, 2012


        I bet everyone know what Christmas is. Christmas is not just a simple holiday. It is not only about giving gifts and making wishes come true. It is not only about lighting fireworks and making noise everywhere. Christmas is not just about how abundant our Noche Buena is. It is not also about our complete attendance in the Misa de Gallo. So what does Christmas really means? What’s the essence of it?
        Christmas is celebrating the birth of our Jesus Christ. He is the Savior of humanity. He is the greatest and noblest man that has ever lived on earth. He is the best example of a great leader and a great follower. He is the Son of God. God gave us His only begotten Son to save us from evil; He did this because of His love for us. God cares and loves us so much that He gave the best for us, Jesus Christ. Christmas is about giving and sharing blessings to your family, friends and other people. It is about spreading the good and letting God come into our hearts.
        Because of love, God has done all these. Love…for me it is the essence of Christmas. Like God, we should give love to the ones who are important to us. Like Jesus and his people, we should help and sacrifice for each other. Nevertheless, let also peace and unity rule the world. Happy birthday Jesus Christ! Merry Christmas everyone! God bless us all!

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