Monday, January 7, 2013

New Year, New Me

      Every New Year, most people call it “new life,” “new beginning,” “new chapter,” “new phase” and so on. It’s even impossible not hearing the question “What’s your new year’s resolution?” I bet you have heard that a million times. For me, I don’t usually change myself just because it’s a new year; I stay the same and just be myself. But that doesn’t mean I don’t wanna change. I know I’m not perfect, I know there are bad things about me, as one of my favorite motto says “Every person has their bad sides.”
        One thing I wanna wipe out about myself is my attitude wherein I get easily angry and I burst out like it’s then end of the world. Though I can easily make bluff and laugh again, I still utter words that might hurt other people’s feelings. I also wanna be more serious in my studies and be a better citizen. I’m also emotional when it comes to my family, I easily cry even though they’re just little things, I just wanna be stronger and mightier. Also, I wanna be more patient because sometimes I get so impulsive that I want everything to be done as fast as the light year. I also wanna be more industrious, I might delete The Lazy Song of Bruno Mars in my playlist. Kidding aside, I really need to be more industrious and obedient. I hope I can make something or even just small things for the world, for the people. I also hope I’ll be drawn closer to God.
        There are still many “I want” and “I hope” of mine and how I wish I could make them happen. I also hope that this year will be great, for 2012 is the best year of my life so far. Happy New Year Bloggers! What’s your new year’s resolution? J

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