Wednesday, July 4, 2012


Dear Mr. President,
                Good day Sir.
                First and foremost, I would like to extend my sincerest gratitude and appreciation to you. It’s been more than 2 years since you were elected as the Philippine President, the one who will lead us to “change” as you have give emphasized in your State of the Nation Address. I know how difficult it is to e the leader of your fellow students in one class, how much more when you are leading billions of people, billions of Filipinos? Running for the position as President really needs time, effort and courage for it is not only a joke. People count o you, they expect the best from you and they depend on you as their helping hand.
                In my observations these past few years, I can say that there is an improvement in our country. Many programs and services were conducted. One is the giving of relief goods to those who were affected by storms or typhoons. This program helped some of our countrymen in adjusting their lives; some weren’t given the chance because they are far from civilization. We are hoping Sir that donations and services will reach their places for them to e elated also. Another service is the giving of scholarships to students who are sincere I their studies and really want to graduate yet they can’t afford school fee’s. This is a great help not only to students but to those parents who are working and sacrificing for their needs. I suggest Sir that there will be more scholarships given to students because I do believe that education is the best gift of parents to their children. And another program is the K2 12, wherein we can now reach the education standards of other countries. Before, I thought it wouldn’t help us rather it would only add to the problems of our economy, like addition of financial problems, school problems and more. But later on, I realized that it makes our school life shorter and we can find jobs as early as we graduate in Senior High School, thumbs up for this change.
                The increase of prices in our foods is another big problem to us Sir and I do think that you can help more Filipinos when there is a lessening of prices. Also in oil companies, we now need oil for our vehicles to go to school, to our offices and works. There is a price hike again and I am requesting again Sir for this project not to be done for the sake of our fellow countrymen.
                There are more to say but these are just my main opinion and we are expecting more egregious problems to happen. So let us stay strong. Relinquish the bad things and welcome the good ones. We’ll do this together; we’ll do this as one. Let’s have faith in God and He’ll bless our way. More power Sir.
                                                                                                             Respectfully yours,
                                                                                                          Chrisselle R. De Mesa

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