Friday, October 12, 2012

My Teacher, My Hero

teacher clipart          My teacher, my hero, why do I keep hearing this phrase? My teacher is a hero? Thinking my teachers wearing their super hero attires just make me wanna die on the floor from laughter. Maam wearing her one-piece along with her boots and Sir would be wearing his undie under his pants, isnt that awkward? But when I see them wearing their school uniform with their record books, theyre aura seems so powerful and everyone would make way for them.
          Every week days, we spend almost our time learning our ABCs and 1, 2, 3 As we go to the next phases, we cant deny the fact that we are encountering different and harder problems and difficulties. But with the help, guide and care of our teachers, were going to passed them all. Theyre helping us in learning in the best way they can. Theyre sharing us their knowledge for us to treasure, apply and share to other people. They wanted to bring out the best in us, confidence, intelligence, kindness and more.
          They do all this because of their love to us. So we must not waste their sacrifices and let us study well. I love my teachers, you should too. I care for my teachers, you should too. And Im very thankful to have such wonderful people, wonderful teachers, who molded me and became my second parents. I would vicariously think that as we appreciate their sharing to us, they would cry in tears blissfully and feel proud of us. Theyre simple yet remarkable. They dont have super powers but they have the minds.

Thursday, October 11, 2012


                Have you ever wondered how text or files are made in the web? How do they vary in colors and font? Why there are bigger and smaller text? Have you ever ask yourself what are the names and parts of the text you always see in the top of your server? How they work and function?
                Well, these are the thing I have learned in this grading period. I’ve learned the parts of a web browser, parts of a page address, their levels and also about search engines. I’ve encountered them before, but there are additional ideas that I’ve gained. The best part of this chapter is making our exercises about HTML. From ignorance to almost-expert, I can now make an HTML document and post it on the web.
                There are challenges I have encountered, this grading period, I’m rarely sitting at our class because of the activities and meetings I have to attend. Coping up is my problem. I’ve missed a lot in our discussions that’s why I can’t go with the flow sometimes.
                I have addressed this challenge by exerting double effort in understanding and coping in our lessons. I tried doing my best to learn and I succeeded. I can now join discussions well enough.
                Moving on, I will try harder to balance my academics and extra-curricular activities. I’ll study harder and make out the best out of my abilities.

Upholding English Proficiency for Communicative Competence

          English, literally speaking, it’s the universal language and when we say universal, we do not only mean one country but the whole world. Our countrymen are proficient speakers and great in communicative competence. We are competing not just in local events but globally. In this case, how can we maintain and improve this advocacy?
          Competition starts at school level, we learn in this stage of our lives. As a student, I know within me that I’m active and I’m participating events that molds my capabilities as an English competitor. Start uncovering your inner and hidden talents. Start it by joining seminars and activities that will help you find you. When you still have your oh-I’m-shy attitude, join a group and participate in competitions like Reader’s Theater, Jazz Chants or Speech Choir. And when you have that courage and enough self-confidence, join by yourself. Join Declamation or Oration competitions. I, myself know that I’m not the best, but I’m trying my best to be the best.
          How about you? Let’s develop and improve ourselves in English proficiency, let’s compete not jus for the award but for ourselves. Let’s join English activities and do our part to the fullest. Win or lose, it’s worth the improvement.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Scientricity: Energizing Science Clubber for Sustainable Energy

            From the very top of this world – the sun – to the very bottom of it – the earth – energy is being used. People who are observant enough to notice things and objects moving daily may ask the question “how do these work?” Simple, it’s because of energy.
            Did you know that energy has many forms? It’s not only the solar energy from the sun nor geothermal energy from the earth but there are so many more. From the time we open and blink our eyes and yawn to start our day, we’re using energy. When we take a bath or brush our teeth, we’re using hydroelectric energy. When we move up and down to our stairs, we’re using potential and kinetic energy. When we go to school riding our vehicles, we’re using energy. Everything we do, energy is connected, energy is found.
            Though, it’s not only causing positive effects to the community but negative effects also. Nowadays, people are abusing what are given to them; they’re overusing and wasting it. People must also think for the next generation and the consequences of what they’re doing. They must bear in mind that everything has limitations.
            As a concerned student, I do think that change must be done. Let us change for the better. Let us conserve energy, plant trees. Think for a bright future, lives are still coming in our way. Reuse. Reduce. Recycle. Giddy up Science Clubbers! Go for GREEN!