Wednesday, December 26, 2012


        I bet everyone know what Christmas is. Christmas is not just a simple holiday. It is not only about giving gifts and making wishes come true. It is not only about lighting fireworks and making noise everywhere. Christmas is not just about how abundant our Noche Buena is. It is not also about our complete attendance in the Misa de Gallo. So what does Christmas really means? What’s the essence of it?
        Christmas is celebrating the birth of our Jesus Christ. He is the Savior of humanity. He is the greatest and noblest man that has ever lived on earth. He is the best example of a great leader and a great follower. He is the Son of God. God gave us His only begotten Son to save us from evil; He did this because of His love for us. God cares and loves us so much that He gave the best for us, Jesus Christ. Christmas is about giving and sharing blessings to your family, friends and other people. It is about spreading the good and letting God come into our hearts.
        Because of love, God has done all these. Love…for me it is the essence of Christmas. Like God, we should give love to the ones who are important to us. Like Jesus and his people, we should help and sacrifice for each other. Nevertheless, let also peace and unity rule the world. Happy birthday Jesus Christ! Merry Christmas everyone! God bless us all!

Monday, December 10, 2012

Equal Rights, Equal Opportunity

                Do you know what rights mean? Do you think you have one? Did you ever encounter what opportunity is? Do you think you can grab one? Rights, I don’t just have one, I have many. Opportunity, I don’t just grab one, I take every chances I get.
        Rights are the things that are correct, rights are the good things in life. Each of us in this community has each own rights. The right to live. The right to be treated as a human. The right to everything that we deserve. Opportunity, these are the chances, circumstances which allow you to do something. People who are living their dreams and being passionate, take every chances in their lives to achieve their goals. They try being optimal to be viable in life.
        Rights? Opportunity? People today are being treated incongruously. We have this we call discrimination. Most people who are in the high society are the ones being treated like princes and princesses and most people in the low society are being treated like slaves. People aren’t given their rights, people take limited opportunities. People cannot live life to the fullest. They don’t have unity for they are divided into two groups, the upper class and lower class.

        And this should not be. God created us equally. He created us to have equal rights and equal opportunities. We should not take advantage of our positions in life; we’re still human beings, who came from one God. Let equality and unity prevail!

Adopt Climate Change

       People change. The earth changes. Everything… they all changes. We can do nothing to prevent them. We can do nothing to stop them. All we have to do is to be prepared. We have, we must, adopt to survive.
       We are all aware of the change our climate undergoes. Temperature rises quickly; we barely experience cold weather already. Glaciers and the plates are melting and more. You know why? This is because of man-kind’s deeds. We are into the modern world already, scientists and experts invent gadgets, appliances and things that make our work faster. If only we realize how fatal those things can cause our planet. Factories, sewages that spreads pollution, it maybe air, water or land. Illegal loggers that cut out trees and not replacing it. Peoples lack of discipline. Peoples innovative minds that falls out to nothing but to the improvement of everything yet still causes the destruction of mother earth.
       Let us change, it’s not yet too late. We can still work things out. If we have done something about these changes, we can also do something to change these changes, for the better. Plant trees. Throw loiters properly. Conserve. Reuse. Reduce. Recycle. Little things yet we can change the world. Adopt Climate Change! J